Tachiyomi apk icon


0.15.3 for Android
Android 6.0 or higher
24 MB
October 6, 2024

Tachiyomi Review:

Do you love reading manga? If you do then hurray you are at the exact right place. Tachiyomi APK is an app that will allow you to read different types of comic books on your smartphone. Now you do not have to spend your whole money on comic books because you can now read them on your mobile phone. You can get access to every manga using Tachiyomi APK. I hope that you know what manga is because that’s why you are here but just in case you do not know then no worries let me explain it in simple terms. Manga is Japanese comic books or graphic novels; Yes that is it, This is what manga is. so if you are a comic bookworm then keep on reading this article because this is going to be fun! let’s dive into the manga world! First, I will give you a brief introduction to the Tachiyomi APK then its features, and lastly its conclusion.

What is Techiyomi APK?

Tachiyomi apk image

Tachiyomi APK is an app that allows its users to read Japanese comic books for free of cost. If you love reading manga but do not want to spend your pocket money buying graphics novels or manga then this app is a must-have app for you. simply download it on your mobile phone and get access to 1000s of manga for free, you can read them anytime and anywhere. no matter wherever in the world you are, you can always read manga from the Tachiyomi app. Now let us look at its features.


Get Access to 1000s of Manga:

This app allows you to get access to not only 10s or 100s of comic books but 1000s of comic books or graphic novels. You will find every type of manga here in this app. Every genre and every age group of comic books are available on this app you just need to download this app on your mobile phone and you are ready to read.

Full screen:

The full-screen option is available in this app, you can read your favorite manga in full-screen mode and without any distractions so what are you waiting for? download this app now, save your money, and have fun!

Save your money:

Save your money by not buying hard copies of comic books. why buy hardcopies if you can read them in softcopies? Tachiyomi app allows you to read every comic in soft copy using its app as a result your money gets saved.

Incognito mode:

This app has also incognito mode, if you want to pause your history on this app then turn on the incognito mode and you are good to go.

Add to library option:

This app gives you another wonderful option that is saved to the library, simply this app allows you to make your own digital library where you can add comics that you have read or you are planning to read, etc so it becomes easy for you to search the comics that you love to read.

Audio option:

The best part of this app is that you can listen to these comic books as well. Just click on the audio or listening option and the app will read the books for you.

More Benefits of the Tachiyomi App

  • User friendly
  • Download comic books option
  • Backup and restore options are available
  • Safe to download
  • Unlimited comic books

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This was the detailed introduction to the Tachiyomi APK, if you are a Japanese comic book lover then I would recommend you to download this app on your phone because trust me this is the must-have app for you and you are going to love it.